From the desk of John Menken
We are delighted to introduce this third edition of the Hands-On English with Linking BlocksTM Teacher’s Guide. Here are some of the significant changes that appear in the third edition:
The volume is now perfect-bound instead of spiral-bound. This more traditional binding allows easy identification on the bookshelf and prevents the sagging typical of spiral-bound volumes. There are no spirals to snag, and pages are less likely to tear out with wear. The new color-coded cover coordinates with the Basic Course Student Workbook and anticipates Intermediate and Advanced Linking BlocksTM courses to follow.
Inside the Third Edition, you will find the “How-To” sections much more available in the front of the book instead of in the back resource section where they used to be. You will find that the third edition’s font is easier to read, and the whole book easier for the teacher to use. From the start, the Linking BlocksTM Teacher’s Guide has been scripted, giving the very words that the teacher would say. In the earlier editions, however, the teacher’s words were indicated by italic font. In this third edition, the teacher’s script is given in imperative voice, such as “Show with the blocks, how. . . .” “Point out. . . .” and “Have the student tap. . . .”etc. This change makes it virtually impossible to get off step with your instruction.
Our vision is to train effective communicators. Teachers are at the forefront of that mission. We confidently present to you, our teammates, the best instructional tool that our team of teachers, writers, and designers could assemble. Thank you for choosing Hands-On English with Linking BlocksTM.